Monday, March 31, 2008

Living on the highway

I have a couple of minutes before the large amount of brandy drops me off in bed, so here goes :D

I'm living on the highway these days. I lived with my identical twin for most of my life and have lived well. But recently it has become clear to me our values are so different I can not be close to him. I disagree with his lifestyle in many ways. If we could agree to disagree, perhaps I would still live there, but for my mental and emotional health (as well as him effectively kicking me out anyway, but w/e) I decided to leave anyway.

Details on the events leading to my wandering lifestyle to follow.

Meanwhile, the fiancee and I decided we will move to Georgia. The school in Athens offered her a ton of money (well, more than I make a year, wtf but not hard). In a couple of days I'll break the news to my boss that I need a transfer. Not hard. There are many, many other locations for the company I work for in the Athens area.

This week is homework week. A friend and I sat down and mapped out a 5year plan for me, including a contingency plan should everything fall to pieces. Despite many years of college, I have no degree whatsoever. My homework involves several steps to ensure I get that degree in the next 5/6 years. Also, I plan to be a store manager in 5 years. Got to do this homework. !@($&@ I hate homework :)

Brandy is pulling me down. So let me sign off.

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