Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hancock suffers from Kryptonite

Or so I hear. Reviews are awful. Close friends assure me it is not what the trailers promised. The third act is absent from any promotions not for a refreshing surprise, but because if any of us had seen images from the third act we would probably never see the film.

Despite this, I am still going to see it and later post my own review.

Meanwhile, I found the original script, titled Tonight, He Comes! Read it here.

It will be interesting to later read the differences behind the scenes sources say ruined the film. Originally, the film set out to satire super hero films with a hard R rating. But once Will Smith became attached to the property, the studio decided to clean up the film's act so much that they cleaned out the thrill of seeing a bum stuck being a super hero.

1 comment:

Dr. Megan said...


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