Monday, April 28, 2008

Smallville good again? In the words of Morgan Freeman:

I hope.

For 3 seasons, and at least through the premier of season 4, I watched this show with the zeal of a geek gone wrong.

Then the stories dropped quality. Clark stopped developing into the Christopher Reeve----err Clark I wanted him to become.

Rarely, we saw images hinting at the Superman Clark was destined to become, such as Clark wearing a blue tee with a red jacket (brilliant!). But then someone realized how much like Supes he looks like in those clothes and decided to put him in the same outfit every show.

The stories, even while at their finest resembled an episode of Scooby Doo, lost integrity in a quick, cheap 40 minutes of weak episodes that contradicted themselves left and right.

But in the upcoming episode, Apocalypse, moments like you see in this picture remind me that despite all that has gone wrong with this show, I hope. I hope for more cheap, crack-ridden thrills like this picture, and as long as Smallville provides, I'll come back like the addict I am.

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